A training program for new and seasoned actors specializing in the Meisner Technique and a theater company dedicated to telling the stories they feel Nashville needs to hear.


We are a training program for new and seasoned actors specializing in the Meisner Technique.

We are a theater company dedicated to telling the stories Nashville needs to hear.

We are committed to authenticity on stage and in life.

We are in love with broadening what is considered theater in our community.

We are able to take big risks on stage by keeping the rehearsal room a safe space for all.

We are inspired to help others find their voice and speak their truths.


We believe in theater’s power to heal us in a thousand places we may not have realized needed healing.

We believe that the theater is a sacred calling: we make a promise to our community to stay emotionally connected in a world that praises going numb. We promise to feel and remind our audiences how good feeling can be.

We believe in the ensemble principle. The person you see on stage in one show you will likely see behind the light board in the next. The person selling tickets may also be a budding new playwright. Your usher is likely an aspiring actor.


Actors Bridge Ensemble is a non-profit acting school and professional theater company established in Nashville in 1995. Our mission is to tell the stories Nashville needs to hear as we produce socially conscious plays responsive to the current cultural moment, create new work, train theater artists, and become a safe home for our artists and audiences to find their authentic voices on stage and in life. We are proud to be the leading theater for contemporary works that engage audiences in curiosity and conversation about justice, equity, and inclusion. The company is led by co-founder and producing artistic director Vali Forrister.